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The Good Times Roll with Fresh Roasts at Steel Valley Brew Works in Youngstown

Stonefruit Coffee bar

The Stonefruit Coffee bar at the new Steel Valley Brew Works in Youngstown. Photo by Bentley’s Photography, courtesy of Steel Valley Brew Works.

Steel Valley Brew Works is bringing bocce, billiards, beer and beans roasted fresh onsite to Youngstown, Ohio.

A row of 10 pinball machines rounds out the amusements in the expansive 12,000-square-foot playground for grownups, where behind the scenes a 70-kilo-capacity Diedrich roaster anchors a coffee roasting production facility.

70-kilo Diedrich roaster

Photo by Bentley’s Photography, courtesy of Steel Valley Brew Works.

The coffee component marks a sixth Ohio location for Steel Valley sister company Stonefruit Coffee Company. With Steel Valley branding throughout the roastery and entertainment areas, Stonefruit is the logo prominently emblazoned behind the coffee bar, where a Conti espresso machine supports the espresso menu and brewed coffee comes strictly via manual pourovers.

“We are a pourover-only facility; we do not believe in [automated] drip coffee,” Steel Valley Co-Owner and Stonefruit Founder and Head Roaster Joshua Langenheim told Daily Coffee News. “Only the best.”

Steel Valley Brew Works billiards

Photo by Bentley’s Photography, courtesy of Steel Valley Brew Works.

String lights, pendants and neon lighting add to the buzzy liveliness of the public spaces where black and white walls and chairs and a black stone bar are balanced by natural poplar paneling and a wall of leafy greenery. Youngstown pride emanates from murals and other decoration around overstuffed lounge chairs.

“We tailored the space around my hometown, Youngstown,” said Langenheim, “so the interior is rustic chic, paying homage to the rise and fall of the steel industry.”

Steel Valley Brew Works Youngstown bar

Photo by Bentley’s Photography, courtesy of Steel Valley Brew Works.

Coffees for all of Stonefruit’s Ohio retail locations will now be roasted on the Steel Valley Diedrich, whose capacity will also pave the way for Stonefruit’s growth into a larger wholesale roasting business.

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“I operate with no ceiling,” said Langenheim. “When we find a need that we can fill, I will do my best to facilitate a solution. I hope to grow my footprint in Cleveland with Stonefruit, and plan to spend the next year 100% focused on creating an amazing culture at [Steel Valley Beer Works].”


Photo by Bentley’s Photography, courtesy of Steel Valley Brew Works.

While currently in a soft-open mode, Steel Valley Brew Works will plans to hold its grand opening later this spring.

coffee roaster

Steel Valley Co-Owner and Stonefruit Founder and Head Roaster Joshua Langenheim. Photo by Bentley’s Photography, courtesy of Steel Valley Brew Works.

Steel Valley Brew Works is located at 7401 Market St, #617, in Youngstown, Ohio. 


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