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Fairtrade America Names Amanda Archila Executive Director

Fairtrade logo bananas

The Fairtrade logo on some bananas. Daily Coffee News photo.

Fairtrade America, the United States chapter of Fairtrade International, has hired Amanda Archila as its new executive director.

Archila replaces the Washington D.C.-based nonprofit’s most recent permanent executive director, Peg Willingham, who left the agency last July and now serves as a senior manager at Save the Children.

In an announcement last week, Fairtrade America described Archila’s appointment as a “full circle moment.”

Archila spent approximately five years in sales and marketing roles at the U.S. branch of UK-based Fairtrade-focused chocolate company Divine Chocolate. More recently, Archila spent more than four years occupying different vendor management roles with Amazon.

Fairtrade logo Diving Chocolate

The Fairtrade logo on a Divine Chocolate product. Daily Coffee News photo.

“Amanda’s wealth of relevant experience throughout the supply chain, combined with her passion for Fairtrade, will be invaluable for the future of this movement in the U.S.,” Dan Arnett, Chair of Fairtrade America’s Board of Directors, said in the announcement. “We look forward to Amanda’s contributions and leadership as we continue to further engage with our retail and brand partners and consumers to change the way trade works through better prices, decent working conditions, and a fairer deal for farmers and workers.”

Coffee remains a leading category for certification and market development for Fairtrade International and its more than 20 national-level affiliate agencies tasked with promoting the program and mark.

The international agency, which earlier this year named a new global CEO, has recently been busy in the coffee sector, developing living-income reference prices for countries including Guatemala, Indonesia, Uganda and Honduras, while also promoting a new map highlighting humanitarian and environmental risk by country and agriculture sector.

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