Comments on: In St. Louis, Blueprint Coffee Addresses the US Gun Violence Epidemic Business news for specialty coffee professionals Thu, 25 May 2023 12:36:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dan Thu, 25 May 2023 12:36:14 +0000 Downtown St. Louis is a disaster! The police have been on a stand down for the last five years because the prosecuting attorney let criminals walk.

By: Beast_of_Bourbon Sat, 20 May 2023 23:19:04 +0000 Well, I blame myself. I knew where this silly article would go and I read it anyway.

Notwithstanding the clarifying facts that Tionico and others point out regarding the misrepresented story of Michael Brown’s demise, I’m so tired of progressive little liberal white kids, like the 3 of the 4 who own this company, feigning some level of heightened virtue and concern for black people. What they really want is for black people to remain victims so they can put up their BLM signs and exploit them for profit in their business. I hate to criticize a specialty coffee company, because there really aren’t all that many, but c’mon man, how ridiculously obvious can you be. The only more absurd example is the article in this month’s edition about Anarchy Coffee, who is a self-described anti-capitalist company that had a pay-what-you-can-afford policy and is now going out of business…the irony.

“There’s a dishonest tyranny in the liberal/progressive/socialist agenda that comes down and says ‘we are here because we care about you; we want what’s best for you’. But really what they want is the control of your life”
Allen West

By: beast_of_bourbon Sat, 20 May 2023 23:10:00 +0000 Well, I blame myself. I knew where this silly article would go and I read it anyway.

Notwithstanding the clarifying facts that Tionico and others point out regarding the misrepresented story of Michael Brown’s demise, I’m so tired of progressive little liberal white people, like the 3 of the 4 who own this company, feigning some level of heightened virtue and concern for black people. What they really want is for black people to remain victims so they can put up their BLM signs and exploit them for profit in their business. I hate to criticize a specialty coffee company, because there really aren’t all that many, but c’mon man, how ridiculously obvious can you be. The only more absurd example is the article in this month’s edition about Anarchy Coffee, who is a self-described anti-capitalist company that had a pay-what-you-can-afford policy and is now going out of business…the irony.

“There’s a dishonest tyranny in the liberal/progressive/socialist agenda that comes down and says ‘we are here because we care about you; we want what’s best for you’. But really what they want is the control of your life”
Allen West

By: Tionico Sat, 20 May 2023 01:15:11 +0000 Snowflakes blame “mass shootings” on mental health and you seem to think this is barmy thinking? Please, name ONE such mass shooting which was perpetrated by an individual of sound mind, well socialised, raised in a home with a functional father figure, was ot strung out on drugs or toxic fantasies, and was gainfully employed in a long term basis.

Can you in the alternative cite one incident where one of those nasty works of metal and plastic picked itself up off a table or desk, aimed itself at a human being, and launched a small piece of metal at a high rate of speed which then caused serious harm to the one it struck? No? can’t dp either can you.

Then WHO IS it perpetrating these events? AndHOW are they getting their tools?
We know Michael V Brown got the handgun with which he shot that officer by assaulting him and taking it from him. did HE pass a bacgrond check, have a permit, buy through an FFL, went through a waiting period to take possession?

Just a few sipe questions probing reality, here……

By: Kyle Larson Fri, 19 May 2023 15:06:23 +0000 Sheesh, the comments section. Such delicate little snowflakes who believe resisting arrest warrants the death penalty and blame mass shootings on mental health (hello, ableism). Hope you boys have fun at your next Proud Boys/Trump rally.

By: CoffeeSam Fri, 19 May 2023 14:43:16 +0000 LOL at all the fascists with hurt feelers. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Daily Coffee News is awesome, and I love all that you do! Thanks for highlighting such a cool story.

By: Not impressed Thu, 18 May 2023 20:58:07 +0000 Dear Roast Magazine, can you please try and stick to articles about coffee. We don’t need to hear about a cafes politicial opinions or thoughts on social justice, guns, racism, politics etc.
Stick to interesting coffee articles please or you’ll quickly lose a paying subscriber.

By: Keith Hocking Thu, 18 May 2023 17:37:47 +0000 Well you’ve done it. My interest in coffee is not enough to abide your totally liberal positioning. I will unsubscribe and block future contacts.

By: Jason Thu, 18 May 2023 16:23:49 +0000 Such a BS article, stop making criminals victims! If you really cared about gun violence you would try to address these problems not punish the good guys for it. You certainly won’t see me supporting this coffee shop.

By: CoffeeGuy803 Thu, 18 May 2023 14:59:39 +0000 Exactly! So tired of BS “stories” like this that completely downplay criminal behavior and try to twist deviant, immoral and criminal behavior into somehow making the bad guys into victims! We do not have a “gin violence” problem… we have a violent and criminal behavior problem! To fail to address the problem (behavior) is irresponsible and even worse, totally ineffective..!!!
